Pandemonium Life

4 thoughts on “Pandemonium Life

  1. I’ve always loved writing, and especially I enjoy writing poetry! I’ve never entered a competition, but I have had some of my poems published, which was amazing, I urge you to try, if you feel up to it! Xo

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    • That is amazing some of your poems have been published. I would love to read them. Where would I be able to locate them? I used to write a lot of poetry as well, but have not lately. I know you are right and I should try the competition again, but I worry so much I am not good enough. Any chance you have any ideas of something I could write about for the competition? Thank you so much for your encouraging words!!!

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  2. You should write a poem about what it’s like to live with chronic illness, I write poetry about living with mental health difficulties and about being an abuse survivor and it has been published I’ll get the links for you from my poem so you can read them.

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