Inspirational Wednesday

~The Good News Is, We Are Halfway There~

Happy Wednesday y’all! I hope you are having a good and safe week. We have already made it through two days and will only have two left after today. The better way to look at it is, we are so much closer to the weekend than we were yesterday. It is crazy to say this, but the weekdays go by so slow, and yet I cannot believe it is already March. It does still appear that Mother Nature is in a bad mood because the weather is all over the place and not at all normal.

As we all push through the long workdays, I think by Wednesday we could all use a little extra inspiration to help get through the last part of the week. Of course, I think this quote is a little inspiring and uplifting, and I hope you will as well. With the months of stress and uncertainty, we have felt due to COVID, it is helpful to think that even though things are still not under control and worrisome, things can change at any time because anything is possible if we just keep moving forward!

How has your week been so far? I do hope you are having a good week and you are not dealing with any unnecessary stress. I am awful with stress because I tend to worry about everything under the sun, but I am trying to improve with this. We have all heard that stress is the silent killer, but even when we fully understand things like this, it is not easy to change the way we are and the way we think.

Thank you for visiting my site today! I always appreciate your continued support and enjoy reading your comments. I know I am not the fastest with responses, but I can promise to respond as quickly as I possibly can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and MANY positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

3 thoughts on “Inspirational Wednesday

  1. I have to apologize for not being too active at responding to your posts. They have all been good and I read and appreciate them nearly every day. It saddened me to hear about your cat as times like these pets can be such solace.
    I hope your writing goes well and if it is not too late I would recommend to write something that is quite familiar to you. Use your physical challenges with MS anecdotally as to put a smile on the reader’s face. While it is certainly nothing to make fun of as I can attest, sometimes when we look back on what happened it brings us to laugh and I believe many people need a good laugh, particularly right now.
    Keep up the good work and know that you are touching others lives as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! It isn’t too late and I do appreciate your advice. I think your suggestion is a wonderful idea and might build on it. I hope you are doing well and staying safe through all the craziness.


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