Pick-Me-Up Thursday

Happy Friday eve y’all! I hope your week has gone well and your last day of the week is great! My week has been busy learning more about my new job and meeting some great new people through Skype and Zoom. The company I worked with previously in the mortgage industry was no where near as organized as my new company! It is amazing how much can change when things are organized and operate well!

I hope your week has been wonderful and safe. Unfortunately, the COVID numbers are still on the rise, well at least they are in the United States. Y’all already know I blame the COVID increase and deaths on one person and hopefully that will change sooner than later. Maybe I am wrong, but I think the only way a company or country can be successful is with a strong leader. Nothing can ever be strong and helpful if the leadership isn’t available!

Now that we have almost made it to the weekend, I want share with you a quote that I hope will serve as a pick me up for y’all! The days and weeks get longer, but I am pretty sure the weekends get shorter. Whatever you have planned for the weekend, please do what is necessary to keep yourself and your family safe!

Thank you for visiting my site today. I hope the quote I shared gave you the pick me up we all need on Thursdays! I do look forward to reading your thoughts on the quote and I will respond as quickly as I can. I hope y’all have a lovely day and please stay safe! I hope you never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love, comfort, support, and many positive vibes!

Always, Alyssa

11 thoughts on “Pick-Me-Up Thursday

  1. This is not that i am over exaggerating right now but to be honest there is something so powerful in your blogs, they are super informative and amazing at the same time. I love reading all your blogs, hope you keep posting more in future.

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