Pick-Me-Up Thursday!

Happ Friday Eve RainGood morning y’all and Happy Friday Eve! I hope you are having a wonderful week and you are looking forward to the weekend ahead of us. I sincerely hope the weather where you live will be A LOT better than where I am. All it has done is rain 🌧 for days and all it is going to do moving forward. I am very ready for some sunshine!! With that said, how has your week been and how are you feeling?ready-for-sunshine.jpg

This week hasn’t been an awful week for me and I have been applying for jobs like crazy. I am happy to say that I actually have an interview scheduled for Friday afternoon. I don’t want to get ahead of myself or at all hopeful because there is no telling how it will turn out. However,I will go into this interview with  a confident and positive mind because that is really all I can do. 

Y’all know that I think positive and uplifting quotes help make the day a lot more pleasant. I do hope you will enjoy the quote I am sharing with you today and you love it as much as I do!MusicQuotes

I am sure if you have been following me for a while now, you know that I have a real love for music. There are some songs that can change the way I feel in an instant and love for musicmake me much happier, even on my worst days! I really look forward to reading your thoughts about this and promise to respond as quickly as I can. 

Thank you for stopping by today and I do always appreciate the support you give me. I hope you have a wonderful Friday Eve and you are feeling the best you can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤, comfort and many positive vibes!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

87 thoughts on “Pick-Me-Up Thursday!

  1. Ye gods, I am ready for some sunshine! I was talking to the missus last night about how long this winter has felt, like it’s been going on for 6 or 7 months! March is coming and, although we will expect some April showers, the May flowers (and sunny reading deck time!) are coming. 🙂

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      • You are welcome – I hope it happens and you saying that there is something else out there reminds me of something my mom would say when I would hope for: “if it doesn’t happen, it wasn’t meant to be and better things will come your way!” Will you find out tomorrow as well?

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      • Sounds like your mother was a smart woman! I have always believed when one thing doesn’t work out, it’s because it wasn’t meant to and something better will show up someday!!! I am not sure if I will know how things with the interview went well or not tomorrow, but we will see!

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      • Hi Alyssa – I got here earlier today then stayed off the computer and unplugged it as we had these high winds going on – right now gusting to 50 mph. Decided to do some housework – I am not good in the housework category and figured I’d make a special effort today. Yesterday got the tax stuff together when I returned from my walk – it was not very fun at all. Hope yours was better.

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      • Thanks Alyssa – it will make this week longer I think since I really didn’t take much down time. And I was really worried about losing power – it got down n the teens last night and all day today. I’m glad it is over now, but still cold. I am not a great housekeeper … I put blinders on to housework (weeds too) sometimes! You have a great week too. I have to catch up in Reader. I didn’t get there til later last night so am behind.

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      • Nope, I am a bad housekeeper 🙂 Thank you for making me sound better though Alyssa. I do sometimes get that feeling that my mom is looking down saying “I knew you would not keep this house as nice as it used to look.” That’s okay, I did it for my mom while she was still living and could see it – a clean house made her happy when she could no longer do it herself … but now that she is gone, I’m okay with it not being perfect, so that is how I rationalize it. And I can’t cook or bake either. Good thing it is just me. My mom always did the cooking/baking and when I wanted to learn she said “you’ll just read a cookbook when it comes time.” She was not correct about that though.

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      • I believe your mother is looking down and she is proud of you! You and I are a lot alike and we are hard on ourselves. I am not much of a cook myself and we don’t even have a stove at the moment. I am only good at making Italian type foods, but I do not enjoy cooking!

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      • Thanks for saying that Alyssa – I hope so. I picture her gritting her teeth. I have never enjoyed cooking and wondered if I missed some genes along the way since I am a terrible housekeeper and don’t enjoy baking or cooking.

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    • Happy Sunday to you as well! I appreciate you sending positive energy! I do believe everything in life happens for a reason and there really aren’t any accidents. The things we endure are just what we are supposed to and all experiences make us stronger!!!

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