Two weeks has past!

Time-for-an-UpdateGood evening y’all! It is incredibly hard to believe that it has already been two weeks since my husband and I uprooted our lives by moving to a new state and city! Two weeks ago when we made this change I was terrified about the decision we had made, but now I couldn’t be happier we made this fabulous move! I think the new city and my new job have done so much for the sanity I still had left and my massive stress-levels. The new city is a little smaller than where we were living and so far the people are a lot nicer.

My new job has so far been absolutely amazing and the people are SO very kind, which is a huge change for me. I mean don’t get me wrong, there were a few people at the old job that were great, but the bad definitely out-weighed the good there. My new boss is an older man who stays very busy with good things comenumerous meetings and tasks, but when he is in the office he is super kind and willing to answer any questions I might have. So far, my job has been very interesting! I have been learning about what my job entails and how to maintain a schedule for the VP of Finance. There is so much more to this job that I am very excited to learn. I am thrilled that I am going to be traveling with a co-worker for a week of training out of the state. This training will make me become a Certified Housing Counselor. I am looking forward to the chance to build relationships with the home buyers and feel that I will be able to offer a lot of compassion and understanding during a stressful time for them.

I work with so many incredibly nice and understanding people. Of course they only have one name to remember, where I have about 20. Thankfully, everyone is extremely understanding when I have to ask their name again, which has really only happened once or twice. empathy

The moving process was stressful and a lot of hard work, which caused me a great deal of fatigue and pain. I wasn’t the best with resting because I just wanted everything done and organized immediately, which is impossible. It has only been recently I decided that we have plenty of time to get things situated in the new home. There doesn’t need to be a rush on things because thankfully time is on our side with the new house. The only thing that is important  and time sensitive is we MUST get our old home ready to be sold and hopefully sold sooner than later! I look forward to the day we get a phone call saying we have an offer on the house! I am logical enough to understand it will take time before the townhouse actually sells.

As y’all already know, I am trying to find my way to continue blogging because I really do love it, while working a full-time job, which I haven’t done in a long time. This process is afinding-my-way-text-893x1024 trial and error situation, but I am determined to make this happen! I know many people probably will never not fully understand this, but I find writing and blogging a great way to reduce any stress I am feeling. I think most of y’all already know that I battle with stress issues, but I am working to improve this. I think being a walking/talking stress case for 37 years is long enough and now it is time to change my ways.

I do believe that my new job is improving my stress because it is a wonderful place to work. Please know, I am working on getting caught up with reading and commenting on your posts, while also working on my own blogging thoughts. I appreciate all the encouraging words y’all have shared with me over the past weeks and I am looking 6a014e601f2a5b970c014e887a4cfb970d-600wiforward to getting back to a semi-schedule with my site.

I hope y’all have had a great day and I really hope you are feeling well. I am honestly struggling with some pain issues at the moment, but it is possible it is due to the rainy weather☔. I know it is going to be rainy for a few days with the hurricane heading towards Florida and even though I am a few states away from Florida, we are still expecting a lot of rain🌧. My body doesn’t appreciate or tolerate rain very well, but I am going to keep a strong hold on positive thoughts because I think that is important. In a matter of days the rain will pass and hopefully the weather will be calm!

I want to thank you for visiting my site this evening and I do hope you have a lovely evening! I will do my very best to respond to any of your comments as quickly as I can. Please never forget that I am always sending y’all LOTS of love ❤ and comfort!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa ❤

50 thoughts on “Two weeks has past!

  1. “…now I couldn’t be happier we made this fabulous move!” – This is sooooo brilliant to hear, Alys! The training and depth of the job sound interesting, too, and it’s always good to have a boss who cares & answers questions despite being busy. Balancing the upheaval of moving and starting a new job, even if it’s doing your mental health a benefit, is going to be a challenge, so the fact you’re managing to post anything at all lately is, I think, a huge achievement! We’ll all still be here to read even if you take more time away from the blog or reading other peoples blogs (which can be a monumental task in itself to keep up with every day!) Focus on yourself, your health, pain management, and enjoying the new period of your life that’s just starting. Sending love and hugs and lots of good wishes for a positive rest of your week! Caz xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Caz!! Things are working pretty well right now and I know that I am not going to be able to blog daily, but I will do what I can. In the past few minutes I have been reading comments from yesterday and then today, but I must say one really didn’t sit well with me at all. I am honestly very offended and taken back by something that was said. One comment I didn’t even approve. I responded back to the first one but it probably sounded very unlike me, but I really couldn’t help it. Okay, so I am venting a little right now and will explain better at a later time. I always appreciate all of your kind and very supportive words. You are a pretty great person Caz and I am SO thankful for you! xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m sorry you’ve had some less than pleasant comments – were they spammers being evil for the sake of it, or regular readers? I’m here if you want to vent at all. Try not to let them get you down or frustrate you too much, you’ve got enough on without that and hopefully the rest of the positive comments outweigh them. xxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Caz! I am pretty sure my fatigue was getting the best of me and I took things out of content. I really do appreciate your kindness and always seeing things in a brighter light. I hope you are doing well and I hope you have a lovely weekend!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. If you weren’t experiencing so much rain, I would offer to hop on a plane and get your old house ready for you to sell. (love that kind of work)….hurricanes? not so much….I’m glad you’ve got a little bit of swing back in your step 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Now that quote you just shared now about dancing in the rain is a quote I love and a lovely reminder. While we may hate the rain and complain of the rainy weather we do need it. I actually used that quote in one of my reflections around Christmas time last year.
    Your new job sounds so much better than your old one, especially giving you the opportunity to become a certified housing counsellor and you sound so much happier.
    I really hope your pain goes away. I understand what it’s like to have pain as recently I’ve been experiencing a lot.
    My thoughts are with all of the people in Florida affected by the storms and the rain.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! My new job is pretty great so far. Today makes 2 weeks I have been at the job and I am still enjoying it. I just look forward to learning more.
      I am kind of learning to just accept the pain and keeping living life. I don’t like to just dwell on the pain and let life pass me by. It isn’t easy, but I try to ignore the pain. I am so sorry you are experiencing so much pain lately. I really hope your pain eases up soon and you can be comfortable.
      The hurricane that just hit Florida is devastating and I just hope people were able to get to safer grounds. It is so sad how many lives were affected by the hurricane. My thoughts will remain with all of those in Florida and surrounding areas. You have a kind and loving heart!

      Liked by 1 person

      • WOW! I can’t believe it’s been two weeks already. Well that’s a small achievement that needs to be celebrated. As I say on my new website I believe in celebrating every achievement no matter how small. You have such a great approach to life, accepting the pain and continuing to live life and accept things no matter what comes. I always think the same as you, I don’t want to end up in a wheelchair and let the illness win.
        I heard from Vic


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