How do you describe?

HOPE 2.0How do you describe the pain you are in when it can be SO indescribable at times? Living each day with an incredible amount of pain definitely gets a little old, but it also leaves no choice except to keep moving forward. Dwelling on the pain does not make it go away, but I do believe makes it SO much more intense. On my worse days, I do my very best to just keep my mind busy so I am not thinking about the pain I am feeling. It really seems like the moment I stop doing something all I can think about is how much I am hurting, whereas if I just stay busy I do not have time to allow myself to really feel it. I do understand that rest is important, especially when the pain levels are high, but at the same time rest makes me think too much and then I hurt more! I guess it can really be a no win battle between me and my pain, but I do not ever want it to defeat me entirely!

I think everyone that battles with pain issues handles them differently; we all just need a way to manage and escape at times! Do you struggle with pain and how do you handle it? Today for instances my pain is pretty darn high, so this morning I watched a little TV and then did laundry. I did not do anything too strenuous as that would probably cause painful daysme to hurt even more. Normally I would go grocery shopping, but thankfully NOT today!! When I am trying to keep my mind busy to avoid thinking about my pain I often will read a good book or write because both of those things keep me relaxed! I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write about and honestly had a little bit of writers block, but then decided I should write about what I was feeling. I am guessing that many of you can relate to this painful topic and I really wish none of us could!

So on top of dealing with my normal pain, I have been battling with terrible migraines that just will not let up! I went to bed last night with a migraine and woke up with it still with me. I guess I was hoping I could sleep it away, I hate to admit it but I was wrong! pain changes peopleThankfully right now it has finally started to ease up and now it is just a mild little headache that I can handle. I never thought I would say this but the pain I have daily is so much easier to live with than migraines I have been struggling with ALL week! Even though I know I can’t, but if I could choose I would much rather have my back and legs hurt a lot worse than to have a migraine.

Thank you so much for stopping by my site today. I really do appreciate you taking the time to read and do encourage you to leave a comment, which I promise to respond to as quickly as I can! I truly do love your comments and they are always very helpful! I hope your weekend is going well and you are feeling as great as you possibly can! We all deserve a restful and peaceful weekend! As always I am sending y’all LOTS of❤ love and comfort!

My signature heart

❤Always, Alyssa❤

85 thoughts on “How do you describe?

  1. Hey .. take care ..
    my sister too has a migraine issue and I know how worse it gets … none of the Dr. medicines has helped her till date .. Dr. says it will go away with age …
    I would suggest you to take up Art of Living course .. the Sudarshan Kriya that they teach there might help in getting of this pain …
    I have asked my sister too … She would soon join the same … All the best …

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh thinking of you lovely. Wish there was a magic pill we could take! I think we could go on about our nerve pain, and people who dont experience it, just won’t understand it I’m afraid! I’ve got nerve pain in my right index finger, and I just seem to be putting up with it, but it drags you down, hey. Try to keep smiling, and be as comfortable as you can be. Hope the migraine eases soon also!. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I have to agree that migraines are hell, and I am so sorry you are dealing with them. I can’t remember, is it a side effect of your meds, or have the doctors looked for another cause? I hope you find some relief soon Alyssa.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Grace! They are a side effect of the meds, but I guess I just have to decide what is worse migraines or disability. It really is a no win battle with this fun illness. The doctors do not really seem to give a damn on what I am dealing with and just pass it off as not that important. I appreciate your kind comment and to my surprise you only used one cuss word:)!! Just teasing!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • lol… I have thought about working on the cuss words, but then I would have to talk slower and actually think before I let things come out of my mouth…where’s the fun in that?
        I would like to suggest that you try a different med, but that is scary as hell in itself and as we all no, no guarantee. Hugs my friend!

        Liked by 2 people

      • I am sure you will get it all figured out and your phone will accept the cuss words:)!

        Thank you for your suggestion, but I did try another medication last year and I ended up with a terrible relapse that I am still trying to recover from. I will not try the infusion type medications because I had a bad experience and just have some trust issues with them. What I need to do is reduce my stress, which seems damn near impossible. I do appreciate your thoughts though!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I am afraid I am really bad at finding a solution to reducing stress. I try writing and reading, but when I hurt I do not have the attention span to read much. It is a battle between me and my mind that will not stop running in circles.

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  4. Practice radical self care, as Anne Lamott says, being patient with yourself, kind to yourself and gentle with yourself. Everything else can wait until you feel better, which I hope is very, very soon.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I deal with my chronic pain by staying busy, which often backfires and bites me on the ass because it strains already injured muscles. I don’t know how we manage, but us chronic illness & chronic pain people are unbelievably strong to do what we do each day in spite of the pain

    Liked by 3 people

    • WOW, you and I are so much alike! I try so hard to stay busy so I do not think about the pain, but like you said it does tend to back fire pretty hard! Yes, we are unbelievably strong and can pretty much handle anything thrown our way!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you! I will admit writing through migraines is not easy and I think it probably shows in my writing abilities. I am so stubborn and do not want them to control me at all! I am trying to figure out meditation, but my mind will not just stay calm and is always running in circles.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Have you tried HeadSpace, the meditation app? This guy’s voice narrates you through your meditations. His mini lectures suggest that it’s normal for the mind to run in circles. This app has helped me to accept the flaws that kept me from meditating and to approach these flaws with interest and wonder instead of self-condemnation. There are still nights like tonight when my mind races while the rest of me just wants to sleep, but now at least I can comfort myself with the prospect of a nice ten minute meditation after I finish this reply. And then, at last I’ll feel centered and calm. I really hope you will soon find whatever it is that will help you to live migraine free.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much for sharing info about this meditation app. I honestly had not heard of it before, but I am going to try it out! I really appreciate the advice! This will sound negative and my husband fusses at me when I say it, but I think the headaches are a combination of stress and probably new lesions on my brain. I am still waiting to hear about the MRI.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I hope you find it as useful as I do—maybe you’ll even adapt to it quicker. From what I can tell, you have an inquisitive, nonjudgmental mind that inclines toward love. I expect you’ll be a natural.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for saying that! I do try to keep an open and nonjudgmental mind, but I still have an issue with not allowing my mind to run in circles, like a rat on a wheel, lol!! I hope you are right! I appreciate your encouragement!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for saying that. I just really do not want to allow these migraines to control me in any way. I kind of feel like writing with a migraine isn’t the best idea because it diminishes my true abilities.


      • another way to look at it is that your condition is not stopping you from doing what you love. When I get sick I can’t bring myself to blog at all. I hide in my room. See, yours is better!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much for pointing that out! I think I am often pretty hard on myself, so I push myself to do more! Doing more often is not a good decision and then I end up feeling much worse. But I am way too darn stubborn for my own good!

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  6. I’m the same. The more I think about my chronic illness the worse I feel and distraction is the best method. Remember you are more than you condition.
    I know exactly what it’s like to have severe migraines and sometimes all you can do is stay in bed in a quiet dark room, so maybe don’t spend time on the computer until it starts to ease up. What works for one patient doesn’t always work for another.
    My thoughts are with you. Take care and rest up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your comment! I do feel like distractions help me so much! I do not like to sit around and dwell on my illness, so I do all I can to avoid thinking about it. I do step away from the computer as my migraines get too bad. I know looking at a laptop or tablet will only make everything worse. I hope you are doing well today!


  7. It’s hard to explain pain. What does a 7/10 mean to you compared to what it means to me?
    I suffer from cluster headaches and this is the pain scale I use. I have it printed out so I can show doctors and nurses if necessary. Hopefully it will help as a guide to expressing your own levels

    Pain level 0
    No pain, life is beautiful

    Pain level 1
    Very minor, pain’s come and go grumbling. Life is still beautiful

    Pain level 2
    More persistent pains

    Pain level 3
    Pains are getting constant but can deal with it

    Pain level 4
    Starting to get bad, want to be left alone

    Pain level 5
    Still not a “pacer” but need space, don’t want to talk

    Pain level 6
    Wake up grumbling, curse a bit, but can probably get back to sleep

    Pain level 7
    Wake up, sleep not an option, sit rocking, shaking and finally fall into bed exhausted

    Pain level 8
    Time to scream, yell, curse, head bang, rock, whatever work’s

    Pain level 9
    The “Why me?” syndrome starts to set in

    Pain level 10
    Major pain, screaming, head banging, ER trip. Depressed. Suicidal.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I LOVE your pain scale levels! It really is an annoying question these doctors ask! Plus, everyone’s tolerance is so different! I of course deal with my “normal” MS pain and for the most part handle it very well! Then there is those darn migraines that are completely impossible because literally nothing helps me at all!
      What do you do for your cluster headaches?
      Thank you so much for sharing your pain scale, it makes SO much sense!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I hoped it would help you 😊
        I get migraines as well as the CH. I use Fioricet or triptans for the migraines and triptans or very high flow oxygen through a non rebreather mask (upwards of 25 liters per minute) for the clusters. Sometimes nothing works though and all you can do is ride it out

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for sharing how you handle your migraines. They really are no joke and thankfully today I just have a very simple headache. It is crazy to say that I can manage the simple headaches, but migraines put me in bed with an ice pack for HOURS!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for saying that! Honestly somedays are much harder than others. Friday was miserable and the weekend has very slowly gotten a little better. I do my best to not allow myself to focus on how much I hurt because I do think that helps, well it helps some!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Alyssa, Gosh you are a remarkable woman, I love your vision beyond your illness, I love your tenacity to deal with it on a daily basis and above all I love that you are honest and open. Come on Universe give her break, no more migraines please xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! This was the first comment I read today and it really set my day off on a great note! I really appreciate your kindness, I do with the Universe was as sweet as you are!! I hope you have an incredible day!


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