Martin Luther King

MLKMartin Luther King Jr was an incredibly influential man, who dedicated his life to fight for equality. He was born January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia into a home of strong religious beliefs. His father, Martin Luther King Sr’s birth name was actually Michael King Sr but he adopted the name, Martin Luther King in honor of German Protestant religious leader, Martin Luther. In 1931, he stepped into the role as Pastor of Ebenzer Baptist Church after his father in law passed away.

Even during his youth Martin Luther King was a brilliant man. While attending Booker T. Washington High School, he skipped both the 9th and 11th grades. At age 15 he entered Morehead College in Atlanta, GA, where against his father’s wishes choose not to study ministry because at the time he was questioning religion in general. In all honesty, I can understand why he would question religion. The treatment of African-Americans was so unjust and unfair how could anyone believe in what religion is supposed to be about? Somehow during his junior year in college his faith in religion was renewed and hemartin-luther-king-jr-6 wanted to have a career in Ministry. In 1948 he earned his Sociology degree and decided to continue his education at Liberal Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, PA. I was not surprised to learn that he graduated as the Valedictorian and was elected as Student Body President in 1951. Upon graduating from Liberal Crozer Theological Seminary, he was accepted at several colleges for doctoral studies and enrolled at Boston University. King earned his PhD at a young age of 25.

From deciding the road of Ministry, to his final speech “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” on April 3, 1968, Martin Luther King made an enormous difference in the world. He dedicated his life to equality that should have continued to be upheld through the years but unfortunately seems to have diminished rapidly. How many people today would organize peaceful protests that would help humanity? In 2018, 63 years after King Stick with Loveorganized the Montgomery Bus Boycott, how many people would stand up for their beliefs in the harmonious way he did then? I feel that all these years later, anytime there is a protest it ends up being a riot and there is an incredible amount of unnecessary violence. Why have we not evolved into more loving individuals?

King wanted nothing more than to have peaceful changes amongst the treatment for African-American. I am a strong supporter of equal rights for everyone because we are all human beings with feelings and it does not matter the color of your skin, love choices, religious or political beliefs. On August 28, 1963 King and his supporters organized their plans for a monumental demonstration on the nation’s capital. The March on Washington drew in more than 200,000 people all wanting amicable changes. It was during this demonstration when King made one of his famous speeches, “I Have AI have a dream Dream.” 55 years later it almost seems that so many have forgotten the very powerful words that were made during that speech. What happened to having a dream of fairness and justice?

It was due to King’s relentless efforts that the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964. The act authorized the federal government to enforce desegregation of public accommodations and outlawed discrimination in publicly owned facilities. During that same year, King was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize Award for his refusal to accept racial prejudice in America.

Sadly, Dr. King was assassinated April 4, 1968 while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis TN. The day before his death, he made his final speech, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.” Dr. King motivated so many Americans to stand up not only for their rights but their beliefs. Are there many people today actually motivating society? Is it really too hard to embrace and value others for who they are? I believe that ethics has vanished from the world and it is really sad. Dr. King was just a man who made life altering changes for the world. I only wish that in 2018 we could remember Inspiring-Martin-Luther-King-Jr.-quotes-Keep-Movingand honor him for all he did for Americans and not disgrace his memory, values and strength.

Much of my post for today was to teach you more about Martin Luther King but also to share just how passionate I am for respecting and caring everyone. It only takes one person with a belief to make incredible changes. Always stand strong to how you feel and never allow anyone to discourage you. What would have happened if Martin Luther King allowed someone to demoralize his beliefs? He never lost his spirit during all his battles and cruelty that was inflicted on him.MLK Keep the Dream

I hope y’all enjoyed this post today. I encourage your comments because I would truly love to hear your thoughts. I hope the rest of your day goes well and you have a very peaceful and restful evening! Sending love and comfort to you everyday!

Love 2

Always, Alyssa

37 thoughts on “Martin Luther King

    • I think there are a lot of people that do not really know a lot about MLK, that is why my post included some details about his life. I am an advocate for equality and it makes me so sad how people are treated. I am glad this post inspired you to learn more about him.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I think this is so important to know so it’s good that you are sharing as people might not be so aware. And I fully agree with what you say, I’ve really enjoyed reading this post, as always Alyssa! X X

    Liked by 1 person

    • I could not agree more! I really do wish more people would honor his name more than they do. There is WAY too much hatred among the people in this country and world. It really does make me SO sad. Thank you so much for your comment. It means so much to me that others see his birthday as special as I do!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This post was informative, soul stirring, and a mandate for everyone that reads this post. I love the quote that you posted about love. It was what Dr. King fought for and was able to endure immeasurable cruelty. The night before he was assassinated he saw the mountaintop. He had a relationship with God and he never stopped moving forward. The bullet may have killed him but Dr. King lives on. I thank you for this post Alyssa.

    Liked by 1 person

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