First Day Back!

Back at workI hope y’all had a good day! Today was my first day back at work. I was actually welcomed when I walked in with hugs by a few amazing co-workers. I will be honest, I was supposed to work 8 hours but after 5 hours, I was in too much pain to keep going, so I went home early. I guess we will see if I can make it a little longer tomorrow. It was a good first step and I tried which is really all I can do.

When healing from a terrible flare up, it really is best to walk before you run. Pushing too far while healing,  will only set the healing process back several steps. Luckily, my doctor and manager agree with me on this. My doctor has actually written me a note for work indicating that my hours will need to be adjusted as needed until the flare up symptoms are gone, which will hopefully happen soon. 

Even though I only worked 5 hours, I am exhausted. It was really difficult having to sit inBack to work one of those uncomfortable work chairs, when I am used to being able to sit on my comfortable couch. Work would be so much easier, if only I could just work from home. I would be able to get twice as much accomplished in half the time, while actually not being in excruciating pain.

Monday, as I already told y’all I will be starting the Gilenya again. I also have a follow-up appointment with a Nurse Practitioner at my Neurologists office on Tuesday morning. I guess they wanting to see how much progress I am making after the flare up. I am honestly glad that I do not have to see my actual doctor, I tend to feel more at ease with the NPs. 

Tomorrow is a new day for me to try again at work! I am not going to be too hard on myself, so if I am not able to make it 8 hours, that is okay. Of course my mind says I can do it, but my body keeps screaming at me saying “NO MORE”. I have to be patient and relax butterfly 2listen to what my body tells me, it is the only way to get back to normal.

I hope y’all have a nice and relaxing evening! I know I always say this, but if you have any comments please feel free to leave them and I will respond as quickly as I can! Thank you for y’all for all the positive vibes you sent my way for today!!!

Love 2


Always, Alyssa


32 thoughts on “First Day Back!

  1. I’m glad you had a mostly good day. I think part-time right now may take pressure of your shoulders. I think all is worked out with going my Positively Alyssa. When you reblog your blog shows. We’re ok as far as I know.
    Do you use Categories and tags?


    • Thank you so much! I am going to take it slow. What I am okay with working is a day to day basis. Today I did 5 hours, maybe tomorrow I can do 6 hours! We will see. I like being able to go in later because it allows me to work on getting my mind and pain in a good state. It is nice not having to rush to get ready in the morning!!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I forgot to tell you. You are being followed by some persons with grave chronic diseases like MS. If any of my blogs, especially in the Wellness series, might have some useful information for them, please feel free to reblog them. Avanti!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so glad you were able to go back! Also, five hours is great, especially after a flare up! Hopefully your body will adjust and tomorrow won’t be so tough.

    Also, I know what you mean about NPs. I never understand people who refuse to see them because they aren’t doctors.

    Anyway, take it easy tonight and good luck tomorrow!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Robyn. Today has been a pretty bad day for me. I think I pushed myself too far yesterday. I just did a post about it.

      I am glad someone else agrees with my about NPs. I would rather see them because they seem to care more and aren’t on some “I am better than you”trip!

      Thank you so much! I hope you have a great evening and have a great Friday!! I can only hope tomorrow is going to be a better day!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh no! I’m so sorry! I think that is something a lot of people without chronic illnesses don’t understand; we want so badly to be “normal” that we force ourselves to do things we once could do or feel like we should do and pay for it later. I do it quite often myself.

        Yes, NPs are generally much more personable and just as knowledgeable as the doctors they work for, plus they generally can see you quicker than doctors, too.

        Again, I am sorry you’re having such a hard time. Thank you and I really hope you feel better soon!

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