Welcome Lazy Sunday!

Lazy Sunday 2WOW, it is Sunday and I am not dreading Monday! On Sunday I am normally preparing my mind for another long work week but, today I do not have to prepare for anything! I do not have to worry about grocery shopping or getting laundry done by a certain time. Oh how I love a three-day weekend!! My goal for today is to do as little as possible. 

Even though I am planning to do as little as possible today, I still want to do just a few things but, they are things I enjoy doing not things I have to do. It is a beautiful day so I would really love to go to the restaurant I have been talking about. It would be a lovely Lazy Sundayday to either have lunch or dinner outside. I also want to read more of the book I started, James Patterson, Invisible. I love most of James Patterson and Nicholas Sparks books. I figure those two things would be something great to do considering my back and legs are still giving me some trouble. It doesn’t seem to matter what I do I continue to wake up with my legs and back hurting. It is pretty frustrating but, it is just a part if life that I have to push through. Standing by my promise to not ever allow MS to control my life but I will control the disease! 

I know a lot of the people who read my posts suffer from their own kind of struggles. I am just wondering what are some things you do to fight through your discomfort? When your pain levels are high and it hurts to get up to move around, what do you do to alleviate your pain so that you are still enjoying life? Do you like to spend your day reading a book or watching movies? All of us are fighting through something that is difficult and we all handle it in different ways. We are all motivated by something in life as well whether it be family or hobbies. Some days it is harder to stay motivated but we all seem to find a way because we are all strong fighters!

I hope y’all enjoy your Sunday! And as always I appreciate all of your comments. It is a joy to be able to connect with all of you!!Lazy Sunday 3

Hope for cureAlways, Alyssa 

22 thoughts on “Welcome Lazy Sunday!

  1. When you are hurting, you must rest, that is your body’s way of telling you to SLOW down. LOVE Patterson! (Need to find his new book!) I read all of the Alex Cross series. So yes, due to my chronic pain I find many things to do while sitting, Stretching included so I get some movement in. I love to do adult coloring and Zentangles, keeps my mind sharp. Read and journal… I love to watch documentaries and am addicted to the Game of Throwns. (Yep, they got me.) But I refuse to pay for HBO so I have to wait for free weekends. HA! When your body hurts, please listen, be kind to yourself! ~Kim


  2. Since my vision was so affected, audiobooks have been a great comfort for me. At first, I hated not being able to visually read a book since it was one of my fondest pastimes. And although the experience of audiobooks isn’t the same, it takes me out of my head and that’s good enough for me.


  3. Reblogged this on taras life's Blog and commented:
    I totally understand this blog. I actually often find myself doing the same things. I was in fact diagnosed about 7 years ago. However I find myself attempting to keep myself busy a lot. I started a few blogs a few years to write and keep my mind content to insure that I will keep myself busy. I am getting ready to started earning my first degree.


  4. Books! I read a lot. And since I’m writer (sort of) I tell myself it’s professional development so I can feel productive. But when I was severely ill I had lots of super bad days where I couldn’t concentrate or think clearly. On those days I would knit.


  5. I think there’s some kind of balance – some days, like yesterday, it’s a case of bed/sofa with book and something good to watch (but I have to put my book down or pause the DVD every 20 minutes or so – brain just can’t handle too much sensory input!). Other days, even though things aren’t great, I know that what I need is a bit of fresh air, even just a few minutes. I’m going to try to wander down the lane where I live and pick blackberries today 🙂
    Hope you enjoy your Monday off!


    • That sounds like a great idea!! Fresh air is always good for relaxation. This morning I have been a little lazy but not bad. I am making hard boiled eggs that my husband has for breakfast and cleaning the fruits! Plus, I have been watching some movies on TV, movies my husband would never want to watch! Girly sad movies. I am going to lunch with my mother this afternoon. I hope you have a great day!!!!


  6. After trying to fight it I now know to just stop and rest. I love reading or playing games on computer which means Im distracted and lose hours. When my feet are agony I have been known to have them in a foot bath on vibrate while jigsawig. Trouble is when its my hands as I need them to occupy myself then its junky tv.


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